Excellent oral health can give you a beautiful smile and improve your overall health.
Regular exams and cleanings in McArthur, CA, help us diagnose and treat dental issues early. Postponing your visit may cause small problems to worsen into complicated issues.
For the best results, please visit a reliable dentist near you twice a year for exams and cleanings. Patients with a recent history of dental problems may wish to see Dr. Zachary Pekar more frequently. Dental exams usually take about 45 minutes to complete but may take longer, depending on your oral health.
The main procedures during a dental exam include:
Visual Examination
Our dentist will check your oral cavity for visual signs of decay or cavities. We will look out for chips, cracks, and gaps in your teeth and check dental prosthetics for damage.
We will also check for crooked teeth, poor dentition, or bite problems.
Diagnostic X-Rays
Our trained dentist in McArthur, CA, may take an x-ray for a more accurate diagnosis or create an effective orthodontic treatment plan.
Oral Cancer Screening
Fall River Valley Dental uses modern instruments like the VELscope® with experience to screen patients for signs of oral cancer. If we notice lumps, bumps, raised patches of tissue, or any other abnormality, we will refer you to a specialist or send the sample for biopsy.
Screening for Gum Disease
The presence of bleeding or sore gums, deep pockets, or pus may indicate the onset of gum disease. Dr. Zachary Pekar may perform a scaling and root planning treatment or prescribe antibiotics to clear the bacteria infection.
Professional dental cleanings are usually performed by trained hygienists and involve:
Removal of plaque and tartar: The hygienist will remove plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces. The bacteria in plaque can produce toxins which can inflame tooth roots and gums.
Polishing: We will polish your teeth to remove stains and discolorations and give you a fresh, sparkling smile.
Please call Fall River Valley Dental to book an appointment for exams and cleanings near you.