How Do You Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

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How Do You Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

Apr 01, 2022

Tooth loss is not necessarily a celebrated concept in dentistry, yet it helps restore many people’s dental health. While losing your tooth may not look glamorous, sparing your significant dental pain and an increased risk of infection is worth it.

What is Tooth Extraction?

It is a dental procedure for permanently removing natural teeth from your jawbone. Tooth extractions in McArthur, CA, can target any teeth in your mouth, whether molars or incisors. The tooth removal process, however, is not done for random patients. A dentist near you must deliberate on the need for such a treatment beforehand. Technically, if a dentist can save your tooth without risking infecting the healthy parts of your mouth, there is no need for a tooth extraction. This should help you rest assured that if your dentist in Fall River recommends tooth extraction, it is because you really need it.

Situations that Necessitate Tooth Extractions

At any Burney dental clinics, you will learn that tooth extractions are done for patients with any of the following issues:

  • A crowded mouth – when you have too many teeth relative to the space available in your jawbone, they will overlap. It creates an unsightly appearance, all while presenting many oral problems. Some oral problems associated with a crowded mouth are receding gums, tartar build-up, poor oral hygiene, frequent accidental bites, jaw pain, to mention a few. Part of treating a crowded mouth involves tooth extractions, removing one or two of your teeth. Afterward, your dentist will recommend getting braces in orthodontics to straighten the rest of your teeth.
  • Severely damaged tooth structures – the tooth features various layers. When the structure is compromised, it could mean that you have incurred extensive damage on your teeth enamel, enough to expose the inner layers of your teeth. A damaged tooth structure may also cause internal damage, resulting in severe nerve pain. Dental injuries that cause cracks and breaks on teeth are the common causes of damaged tooth structures.
  • Severe toothaches – one of the most common types of dental pain is toothache. It often occurs when the internal layers of teeth are damaged, especially following a dental infection. Dental cavities and tooth decay are the primary causes of severe toothaches. However, dental injuries may also cause the same issues. When your tooth pain is too intense, our dental team at Fall River Valley Dentists may recommend tooth removal as a treatment for your pain.
  • Impacted teeth – are teeth that erupt improperly, remaining stuck under the gums. It is common for patients with small jawbones, translating to inadequate space in the mouth for all the teeth to fit correctly. Impacted teeth cause dental issues like jaw pain, swelling, and redness to the gums. Since the tooth is underneath the gums, the only solution is to remove it through surgery.

What to Expect from a Tooth Extraction Procedure

Tooth extraction procedures are unique from other treatment protocols in dentistry. For one, they focus on removing natural teeth, while others directly focus on saving teeth. Besides that, the procedure itself may be overwhelming for some people. Some things to expect are:

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  • Pain – the truth is that a tooth extraction procedure is painful. It involves removing a fully grown tooth from the jawbone, which means that force is involved in the extraction process. However, before your procedure the dentist will numb your mouth, assuring a painless experience. You will only feel the pain once the numbing wears off.
  • You need pain medication – before you leave the dental office, your dentist will prescribe pain medication to help manage your pain levels. It should take a couple of days before the pain wears off.
  • A change in your eating habits – if you love to snack, you may not enjoy many of the crunchy snacks for a while. As you allow your mouth ample time to heal, you should stick to soft foods that do not undermine the healing process.
  • A change in your sleeping position – after your treatment, you have to exercise care when you lie down. The goal should be to keep your head elevated, preventing blood pooling in that area. The result will be reduced inflammation and pain in your extraction wound.



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